Therapists in the Wild

Welcome to the Mindful Body Therapy and Wellness blog- our little way of connecting you to our clinicians in the office, outside of the office, and everywhere in between! 




Art Therapy Group!

Art Therapy for Body Acceptance is an 8-week group for teenagers who want to improve their body image and bolster their self esteem. During these 8 weeks, Art Therapist Liz Scalese (MS, ATR-BC) will guide participants through therapeutic art exercises that aim to:

-expand their understanding of their own body/self-image presently;

-explore possible origins of these issues, including internal and external influences;

-guide them towards a place of self-acceptance, through practicing self-compassion; and

-celebrate their own individual strengths

It is encouraged that participants attend all 8 sessions. Not only will this cultivate group cohesion and build trust and comfort among participants, but it also allows participants to receive the full experience with consistent support. However, we recognize that the summer is a busy time for teens and their families, so upon registration, you will have the option of selecting which sessions your child will attend. Each session is a $50 commitment, which includes art materials (a total of $400 for all 8 sessions).

Art Therapy for Body Acceptance will take place at the Mindful Body Therapy & Wellness office, located at 2 Elm Square, Suite 317, on Tuesdays at 10am-11:30am, starting on July 9

DISCLAIMER: While this is a therapeutic group led by a mental health professional, this group is not intended to replace mental health treatment for any individual. If triggering or distressing themes arise, it is recommended that you speak with an individual therapist for further support around these issues.

To register, click here:

*Please note this is a “closed” group with a total of 10 participants*

Payments will be accepted via Venmo (@MBTW-HollyHarmon). If another form of payment is needed, please reach out and accomodations can be made.


Past Events


Yoga Class Fundraiser!

Yoga class hosted by Holly Harmon!

Use the QR code to purchase tickets ahead, or make a donation, but drop ins are welcome!

If you cannot attend, please still consider donating. Every donation is entered to win the raffle prize!

We hope to see you there!